ETHANOL Treatment and Issue Prevention

As we get into the cold season and get our boats ready for storage, many have gasoline left in their tanks. This gas can accumulate water in it over the storage months and particulate matter from the effects of ethanol sitting in the tank through varying temperatures. Here are some tips to help avoid issues related to this:

1. Store as little fuel as possible. The less fuel there is in your tank to be subject to moisture accumulation and phase separation (this happens over time as the bonds between the alcohol and gasoline weaken and separate) the less bad gas you will potentially have to deal with in the spring. We do not find that is it better to fill your tank before storing!

2. Be sure to use a 10 micron filter. This will filter our particles as small as 10 micron size. The smaller the micron = the smaller the particle

3. Check out what is in the old filter. If there is a lot of water evident, there may be more water in your tank that needs to be dealt with.

4. Stop in and talk to us about treatments and solutions if you think you have a fuel issue on your hands. We are happy to help and we have some printed recommendation sheets that may contain the advice you need to have a stress and issue free boating season come spring!